ADSSC ISO 55001 Compliant Asset Management System


Middle East



Abu Dhabi Sewerage Services Company (ADSSC) was established in June 2005 for the provision of sewerage services in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, UAE.

A summary of their organisation and asset base is as follows:

  • Emirate of Abu Dhabi 67,340 sq. km land mass
  • 500,000 customers
  • 26bn AED Asset Value
  • 11,793 Km gravity sewer, 811 Km pressure main
  • 41 sewage treatment works, 298 pumping stations
  • O&M Outsourced Frameworks and Concession Contracts

Client Challenge

In 2019, AMCL was engaged by Abu Dhabi Sewerage Services Company (ADSSC) to deliver a diagnostic and roadmap against ISO 55001, and then to work with the Client team on creating and embedding the required artifacts and processes.

As we moved through the commission the maturity of the Client’s IMS became a key contributing factor to ensure a sustainable Asset Management System was put in place and to negate the need for duplicating procedures.

Note: ADSSC are certified to ISO 9001, 14001, 45001, 50001, and compliant with ISO 31000.

Scope of Work

Following a gap analysis assessment utilizing AMCL’s proprietary AMEM assessment tool, a program of 21 projects aligned to three main capability areas each allocated with a Senior Business Sponsor and dedicated project team.

AMCL Solution

AMCL defined a roadmap and detailed plan for the development of key artifacts. Key Artefacts included:

  • AM System Manual including AMS Framework.
  • Asset Management Strategy and Objectives.
  • Enterprise alignment and AMS Risk Management Framework and Register.
  • Asset Information Strategy and Information Management Standard.
  • ‘Generational’ approach for investment planning, maintenance and asset health.
  • Competency Framework and Tool.
  • IAM Foundation Training Year 1 and IAM Certificate Training to the core project team of 11 in Year 2 ahead of the embedment activities.
  • Embedment Strategy, Beyond ISO 55001 report, 2 Health Checks and ISO certification preparation activities.

Value Add

  • Enhanced existing IMS documentation and added specific AMS templates to guide the team to ensure integration with the Client’s Internal Audit and Management review practices.
  • Masterclasses on 5 key topics that were opened up to the wider business.

Key Outcomes & Benefits Delivered

  • Built a collaborative working team through the embedment phase from across the business functions to sustain the AMS utilising the Risk and Asset Information Committees, and the AMS Management Review process and tool.
  • The AMS framework went through many iterations over the life of the programme as we uncovered hidden gems in the IMS. The final version provides the Client with a clear roadmap illustrating key documents and alignment with the IMS ISO 55001 requirements.
  • We refreshed the AM Strategy and Objectives at key milestones, updating the structure and content as the team’s knowledge and adoption of the tools and artefacts grew, to ensure that this became a meaningful document to ADSSC.
  • We ran a mini diagnostic on the Maximo EAMS and ADSSC’s data quality as part of developing of the Information Management Strategy and Roadmap.
  • Where appropriate, we built out a number of artefacts that not only addressed the ISO 55001 compliance requirement but in turn provided a ‘generational’ view to act as a guide beyond ISO 55001.
  • We created MS Teams and SharePoint portals to enable the client core team to track progress against AM Objectives, Internal Audit and Management Review actions. These support ongoing Steering Team meetings, maintain visibility and provide an auditable area for ISO 55001 surveillance audits and progress tracking.
  • We actively managed the client relationship, building trust, listening, assessing the environment and flexing our approach to suit. We upskilled and educated both teams through collaborative working to ensure fit-for-purpose artefacts and tools.

“We are confident that the improvements to the planning statement will aid us in making sure we fully justify the investment needs to the Regulator underpinned by robust methodologies and decision making to build confidence with our Stakeholders and ensure we fully justify and secure the necessary funding.“

Relevant Service Lines

Diagnostic & Roadmap

Asset Management System in a Box

Risk Management

Asset Information Requirement & Standards

Asset Information & Digital Strategy Development

Asset Management Training

Key Contacts

Lesley Hamilton

Technical Director


David Fulham

Territory Managing Director