Outcome Driven Capital Programs

Focusing capital programs on operational success

Asset intensive organizations around the world are investing in major capital programs to meet their customer and stakeholder needs. But there is a global challenge, with many capital programs unable to hand assets into operation effectively, on time and to budget.

Organizations often to fail to connect the different phases of the asset lifecycle: from planning, design, delivery to operate, maintain and replace/enhance. The capital delivery teams building assets and the asset managers charged with operating and maintaining them can exist in different silos.

“Although setting up projects for success can take more time at the start, this will be repaid many times over in the delivery Phase” – Nick Smallwood, CEO of the Infrastructure Delivery Authority

These challenges can be particularly acute in large-scale capital programs, where the focus can be on the program itself, rather than the outcome. Good practice approaches such as Building Information Modelling (BIM) do exist, but often fail to consider Asset Management requirements in the early stages. These requirements must drive the planning, design and delivery – focusing capital delivery on operational success. This ensures a physical and digital asset is handed over into operation, seamlessly, without costly rework and delay.

AMCL has the experience, templates and tools to help you set-up your capital program for operational success, with the end in mind.

Thought Leadership

Asset Management Project Routemap

Enhancing Performance: A Whole Life Vision

Relevant Work

Crossrail’s Business Landscape

Crossrail, Europe’s largest infrastructure project, is a £15Bn railway linking existing mainline and new subterranean metro infrastructure to establish a new East-West route across London. The new railway will provide key links from Reading in the West to Heathrow, the City of London and Canary Wharf to Shenfield in the East.

Related Services

AMCL’s depth of experience and knowledge have been consolidated into structured methodologies and tools: our templated services. We combine these services to accelerate the delivery of your transformation solution, giving you that vital head start. Templated services that support our ‘Outcome Driven Capital Programs’ solution are as follows:

Asset Management System in a Box

Asset Information
and Digital Strategy Development

Asset Intensive Business Operating Model

Delivering Technology Change

Key Contacts

Andrew Sharp

Global Asset Management Director


Richard Edwards

Global Technical Director