Describe your journey to AMCL and the opportunities provided since arrival?
I was working in the rail industry in the late 1990s when I was exposed to some of the emerging discipline of Asset Management. It was a real ‘light bulb’ moment for me and I could see how we could deliver significant benefit to the rail industry. Fast forward a couple of years and I co-founded a new business to help clients embrace these Asset Management practices – and AMCL was born. Over the following 2 decades, I have been privileged to work with so many talented colleagues and clients to further develop and embed the discipline of Asset Management, the highlight of which was my 3 years as President of our professional body, the Institute of Asset Management.
What do you most enjoy about working at AMCL?
I’m still learning every day. I have been working with clients around the world for 25 years now across a range of industry sectors and, working with colleagues from a very diverse background, I think I am learning more now than I ever have. One of the most important aspects of AMCL to me is that everyone, however senior, is still a practitioner. It keeps us grounded in what clients really care about and helps us to continuously improve the services we offer.
How are you helping AMCL clients to make infrastructure more valuable?
It is very exciting to see the discipline of Asset Management evolving from a technical discipline to be a much more strategic discipline. We are now helping clients to address some of the major global challenges they face such as historical underinvestment, net-zero, increased resilience, and digitalization. These can seem unsurmountable challenges at first, but with the right strategic framework to align processes, data, technology & people to the goals of the business, these challenges can be addressed. But probably the most important lesson I have learned over the last 20 years is the value of investing in your people. Our clients that have invested in up-skilling their people to understand the big picture and the importance of their role in delivering value to their customers have seen some amazing results.