AMCL contributing to the 2022 IAM North American Conference

AMCL continues to be at the forefront of Asset Management thought leadership, presenting and leading workshops at the 2022 Institute of Asset Management (IAM) North America Conference. We will be exploring how Asset Management tackles the challenges that many asset-intensive organizations face today, including keeping up with the accelerating pace of digitalization, meeting ESG expectations of investors and regulators, while managing capital investments and uncertainty in an increasingly volatile world.

  • Kambiz Rasoulkhani shares good practice approaches for understanding asset valuation in the water sector
  • Todd Shepherd demonstrates a tested approach to understanding, measuring, and applying risk to make optimal Asset Management decisions.
  • Richard Edwards shares best practices around aligning business and technology designs in implementing asset investment planning tools within your organization.
  • Ruth Wallsgrove, together with Lou Cripps of RTD Denver, lead a workshop on infrastructure lifecycle cost modelling, taking a unique approach with a 2000-year view.
  • Max Brown and Nick Lee dive into the common pitfalls and core issues surrounding struggling EAM system implementations and offer recommendations to make them less daunting.

AMCL is also committed to growing the Asset Management community and will be leading IAM attendees through a series of networking and interactive workshops.

  • Lauren Curnow and Ruth Wallsgrove, together with Katty Fleming of West Yost Associates, will lead a workshop to design an undergraduate course on Asset Management, identifying gaps in current curriculums and drafting an appropriate set of principles to prepare the next generation of Asset Management.
  • Simon Smith will facilitate a “speed-dating” networking session to meet Asset Management colleagues and discuss Asset Management topics.

We look forward to meeting you!

Join us in-person in Denver, Colorado from October 3-6, 2022, or get in touch with our US and Canada teams below:

Toby Kizner

Director of Operations,

Simon Smith

Director of Asset Management,

Sarah Vine

Director of Asset Management,
AMCL Canada

More details of the conference programme can be found here